Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 8 - Stuck In Traffic

Day 8 the second "Monday" of your challenge, the celebration of the weekend has stopped and now it's time to get back down and focus on another week of challenges.  You ever have those days where it seems everything and everyone is against you?

Everyone is saying how much you're changing (for the good) but when you challenge them they have all these excuses and you ask yourself, "hey, why AM I doing this challenge... I want to go back to eating junk food, I want to go back to drinking soda, I want to go back to doing this or that..."

Deep down, you know that's a lie, you don't want to go back, you just are tired of fighting.  Well you're not alone friends, you have to fight for that prize, you have to fight for health, for peace, and everything that's worth fighting for in life requires sacrifice.

Hike up your boots and keep stepping up, keep showing up, keep walking forward and maybe you'll have some hills come your way to make it easier.

Be inspired, and inspire others! Leave comments about YOUR day 8 below!


  1. I went shopping ... I avoided chocolate chip cookies, and soda at a birthday celebration... but it was not a good day emotionally... avoiding 'my things' has been easy - the emotional baggage is starting to wear on me though!

    1. I've found that some of the challenge's I have faced go deeper than the "addiction" we're trying to break. The challenge would be to find where your addiction stems from, that way you're not just trading one addiction for another one. Great job avoiding your temptations. Be ready to fight in case you're unable to avoid them next time.
