Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 28 - Be a Champion But No Neck Cracking

You ever wake up in the morning with a sore neck?  You try and twist your neck and you have this painful shooting knives right into your neck every time you turn it.  You feel like you immediately age 20 years and you have to turn your whole body to see around.

Sometimes in our challenges we get twisted around so much it seems too painful to continue, but for those of you who took on this challenge in the month of February.


Get out and celebrate! If it's not the weekend then plan to celebrate this weekend with your support group, friends, and/or family.  You really need to do this, it's more important than anything else about this challenge.  Because, after your celebration it will be time to start your new challenge(s) and you need to have that fun break before you dig your heels back into the dirt again.

For the rest of us, we're so very close, don't let that morning stiff neck discourage you from finishing only 2 - 3 days left!!!

Be inspired, and inspire others! Leave comments about YOUR day 28 below!

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