Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 15 - Half Way There

Day 15, the half-way mark!  You did it!!  You've completed the first part of your challenge(s) and now it's time to complete it in the second part.  At this point in your challenge(s) you've made a good investment.  This is where you say to yourself, "SELF! I've made an investment and I'm going to see it through.  I'm not going to waste all effort to only quit now."  And this should be true!

If you made it this far, you can complete it.  It's like you've climbed to the top of your mountain, you're looking out over all the land, you see everything now, you see where you started and the hard mountain pass coming up with all it's challenges and difficult obstacles.  Yes, you will have to go back through them again, but this time, THIS TIME, you're not only going DOWN instead of UP, you know they're there.  You KNOW you're going to face those temptations again, you know they're going to come at you full force trying to thwart you from finishing your challenge(s).

Be ready, be prepared, and bring your guns-a-blazzin!  Kill these challenges you've made 15 days prior, and finish strong with a smile on your face, wiping the sweat from your brow.  You did it.

Be inspired, and inspire others! Leave comments about YOUR day 15 below!

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