Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 29 - Prep Your Garden

Our lives are like gardens which are either ready to be planted, needing to be watered, de-weeded, or harvested.  Right now, on this day 29 we're gearing up to harvest the fruits and veggies of our hard work.

Victory is knocking on your door and celebration is ready to come in and visit.  This is a very important part of your challenges and is much needed with the people you were fighting along side and who helped you along the way.  Of course, this isn't always possible, but something should be planned in the future to remember this successful month.

Once you have celebrated, or planned your celebration for a later date.  It's time to prep your challenge(s) garden for next month's seed.  Yes, no time to waste!  If you haven't come up with your next month's challenge(s) then take time out today and reflect on something (even if it's something simple) to make a challenge that will improve yourself. :)

Be inspired, and inspire others! Leave comments about YOUR day 29 below!

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