Thursday, November 12, 2015

Drive On, Thrive On

For months now, I have been taking on small challenges here and there and letting some challenges complete.  Life have taken some great changes which have kept me from my normal blogging and challenge posting habits.

Whether I post or not, it's still important to keep challenging yourself throughout your day, week, month.  Life is a challenge and you don't always have to share them.  The important thing is, you're doing them!  Not just for others, but for yourself!

We also have to allow flexibility in our life, don't get discouraged when our bodies change the way we don't want them to change. We will go through stressful times in our lives. Whatever it may be, this is life, and it doesn't mean we're in a bad situation.

Focus is important, and while life changes all around us effecting our mental & physical bodies, having a good focus will keep us on the right track to success.  So, be not discouraged in these times.  Press on, take a break, a regroup, and press on to your success!

My wife and I have taken on a challenge together.  We started last week and it has been an amazing journey already.  This program helps in the following areas:
  • Weight Management
  • Mental Clarity
  • Appetite Control
  • Derma Fusion Technology
  • Metabolic Support
  • All Natural Time Release
My personal experience so far has had some immediate reactions and some long term reactions.

Within a minute I experienced an energy boost that lasted all day until it was time to sleep.  When it was time to sleep I slept hard and deep without waking up multiple times in a night (I believe I woke once a night)  I know for a fact it helps in the sleep arena because normally if I move or get out of bed my wife who sleeps very light wakes up every time.  She can back me up by saying she doesn't wake up like she used to.

Throughout the day after taking this program for about 2 - 3 days I started noticing I don't get my dizzy spells when I get up from sitting for long amounts of time.  This has gone from about 90% of the time to about 5 - 10% of the time throughout the day.

I don't get the afternoon sleepiness after that lovely lunch I eat.  The time we all usually want to take a nap.  It's also the worse time to be reading material at work for me or doing mundane work.  Now, it's not a problem!  I don't even remember yawning!

Yesterday was the first time I forgot to take the full days product and all these things happened.  This confirms that this program gives me all the vitamins and nutrients I need to perform on a daily basis.

We have done this program for a little over a week now and I will report more on this later on with details on how to acquire this product.  So far, I'm 100% behind this product.  I haven't been this excited about any product I've taken in the past including the daily multi-vitamin for men routine.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Do You LOV Your Body?

Live Organic Vegan (LOV) Super Meal by Purium.  I started taking this at the beginning of the week and will be taking this every morning for breakfast for a month.  My challenge is to follow through and do this every day and see what becomes of it.

Will I continue to take it from now on?

We shall see!!

The first 3 days it felt like one of those flu bugs starting in my stomach, you know the feeling?  Little fuzzy wiggly feeling, almost like you're on the path of wanting to throw up.  I wasn't sure if I was getting this feeling because I just took the shake, or if I was actually coming down with something.

The forth day, no effect!  Again, it could have been me fighting back the possible sick bug, or, maybe I had some toxins in my body that this was attacking, who knows!  The fact is, I'm now on day 6 now and the only feeling I'm getting is the feeling of full, full, FULL.

I usually eat my breakfast in the morning around 7:30am, have a light snack around 9:30 - 10am, then lunch at 11:30am.  This shake has kept me full from 7:30am up to 12:30pm!  No joke!  So whatever it's got, it's keeping me full and happy.

The taste?  Well, it's not like the Apple Berry taste from the 10 Day Transformation kit THAT's for sure.  I've had it with water, milk, and almond milk.  It's okay, it's not bad, but again it's not Apple Berry.  Then again, I tend to like sweet tasting things so I chug'it down and it's fine.

Other than that, and it being a little thick and grainy... life is good!

So, I have to ask you now that you've read this far. Do you love your body?  Do you want your body to love you back?  Then try LOV.  I'm not a vegan by no means and I don't follow the Purium program to the T.  I have chosen to include Purium in my life at this moment and maybe Purium can help you in your healthy start.

It's your choice, not mine... it's your challenge, not mine. :)  Just give it a try!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation Challenge - Big Bear

Hello and welcome to another day of healthy living!  Today, I have a choice, you have a choice, to live a healthier lifestyle.  Every day, no matter where you're at in life, you can always do better.

My challenge to you today is, what challenge have you made today?  It doesn't have to be a big challenge, it can be a small one.  Better to have a bunch of accomplished challenges than failing at a large challenge.

Start Small End Big - something I have used for the last 4 years in my life.  Something that started me on this path of better living.   It's a daily balancing act between your Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical life.  It can be overwhelming at times, don't I know it!  Each day is another opportunity to succeed. Yesterday's failures are gone, step up and plan for your future by embracing today and make the choice to live healthier.

Purium's slogan: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail - of you don't fail to make a plan, you might as well plan on failing.  Consider taking on the Purium 10 Day Transformation Challenge.  Need help starting out?  I did!  It was hard for me to make the sacrifice of time, money, effort, and the possibilities of not succeeding.  These are the risks we take in life.  So, plan to be a risk taker today and sign up to take on the challenge!  I'll even help and throw in $50 towards your challenge.  You won't be alone, I have a team that's determined to help you succeed at the goals you set.

It's Your Challenge, Not Mine - Yes, you make the choice, you plan your challenge, but know you're not alone in this world.  There's others out there who are waiting to see you make a difference in your life.  Family & Friends want to see you happier, healthier, full of more energy.  Again, no matter where you are in life you can always work towards being better.  That's what life is all about! Live life to your fullest, we don't know when this time will come to a close.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Post 10 Day Transformation Challenge

I've now completed the 10 Day Purium Transformation Challenge.  It's a statement to make, a statement to declare, that I have started a journey.  A journey into a healthier lifestyle and Purium is the tool to assist me in this journey.  It has set me on the right path physically, which doesn't stop there!  It will help set me on the right path for a healthier mental health as well!

In turn having a healthier physical and mental lifestyle comes from having a healthier spiritual lifestyle.  Ultimately my better, more healthier lifestyle stems from my faith in God.  It's the foundation for me jumping in, taking old of this project called Purium, and joining up with a great team of people, going after the same goal.  "How healthy can I live my life?  What can I do to achieve a better more healthier lifestyle?"

Maybe these are some of the thoughts, questions, or desires in your own life.  How long will they remain simply thoughts or desires.  When will you take action?  Maybe you don't know where to start?  Maybe you're waiting for the right time?  How about now, how about Purium.

Make an important investment into living healthier today.  If Purium can help, give it a try!

It's your challenge, not mine.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation - Day 08

This is when you start to see that ending!  You feel that sense of accomplishment, you're almost done, and it comes to the point where the pain of missing out on all that "good junk food" goes away.

I even have soreness in my ribs and the sides where my love handles used to be.  Is that NORMAL?!  I ache all over in my neck and my back.  On top of that my tailbone hurts and my abdominal area.

If you read this without knowing what's happening in my life.  The first thing you want to do or say is get to a doctor!  Or, stop doing whatever you're doing if it's causing you so much pain.  Pain, what is it with pain and why we spend all our lives trying to stay away from or prevent pain.

To me, pain can be a few things:

  1. A way of your body giving you warnings that what's going on inside you is harmful
  2. Bi-product of a tremendous change in ones body to the point it needs to catch up.
I believe most of my pain stems from me losing the weight and getting rid of some harmful foods that were in my body for who knows how long.

You may experience things differently, but don't push away pain or give up because you're experiencing it.  First, take some time to diagnose the reason for or source of the pain.  Maybe it's a good thing and it will only last for a chosen amount of time.

Keep up the great work on your Transformation Journey and feel free to contact me @ if you're interested in the Purium program I'm doing and want to join up for the life long cause of living a better more balanced, healthier lifestyle.

It's your challenge, not mine.

Dreams of Fungus

Have you ever had a dream, maybe when you were a child, while growing up and you maybe shared that dream with your friends, parents, or teachers, and then you grew up and as an adult you may have forgotten, reasoned it away do to "real life" consequences or logic.

Maybe you even "psh" it away and say, that will never happen, or that's just a bunch of childhood crap.  Someone might have laughed it away when you shared it.

Either way, the dream remains a dream and never becomes reality.

Maybe your dream is living a healthier lifestyle.  I remember thinking that a couple years ago.  Life was not at its peak moments, I had experienced a tremendous change in my life and experienced something I never thought would ever happen.  I wanted to run away, give up, and the only thing I had to hold onto was my faith in God and friends that stood by me in  those moments.

I remember looking at myself, I hated myself, hated how I looked, and decided I would no longer look at myself that way again.  I needed to accept myself for who I was and do something to get me out of the funk I was in.

I started simple, I started thinking about the things I like to do like hiking and photography.  I started doing those things that brought me happiness.  I started setting goals to balance out my life spiritually and fighting for the positive side of things in my daily living.

April 2014 was the ground breaking moment in my life.  That is what brought me to where I'm at today.  Today, I'm on the 8th day of my 10 Day Transformation through Purium.  A new chapter in my life, filled with more opportunities, more excitement, more happiness, and more importantly, another way to share my story with you and help you go after your dreams.

As you read this you might be thinking about your dreams right now.  Can they truly be reached?  Maybe one of your dreams is to live more healthy like me.  What have you got to lose by trying Purium, except weight. :)

Your dream might look like a bunch of "fungus" to others, but it's not their dream, it's yours.  Don't let reason, doubt, or other people keep you from trying.  Try accepting yourself for who you are.  Try giving your body the nutrients it needs, then you might find yourself going after a better mental and spiritual body like I did.  After all, balance is key to a healthy lifestyle.  Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually.

It's your challenge, not mine.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation - Day 04 - 07

Wow what a crazy weekend!  On Friday, there was a school Valentines Day dessert judging, Saturday was Valentines Day with home made red velvet cupcakes, burgers and fries all day Sunday, and Monday & Tuesday night date night.

All these things bombarding you makes it difficult and may cause you to give in or give up.  The first few days you feel dizzy, hungry, my sense of smell changes to where all and any food smells good enough to eat.  However, when you're determined to have your victory on your 10 Day Transformation.  You keep chuggin along on them shake-shake'n shakes and nothing is going to stop you from having a healthier more prosperous lifestyle.

Sure, we all have slips along the way.  Sure we might have an overwhelming desire to "cheat" before the 10 Day Transformation is completed.  Keep going forward, don't lose hope, you will be transformed into something more beautiful

You can DO it #Challenge.Me

Friday, February 13, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation - Day 03

What a feeling having my first shake this morning.  I actually drank and enjoyed it!  It was a weird feeling thinking, "this is a healthy thing with a bunch of grass and other stuff in it, and it's tasting almost like an apple flavored milk shake!"  Yes, I must have gone off the deep end for sure, or, maybe my taste buds are changing, or getting older I'm starting to like the healthy things in life.  Who knows.

I know this though, tonight my son participated in my last shake of the night and he tried it out and enjoyed it straight up with only water.  I wasn't sure he'd go for it, but I'm confident he'll love the almond milk blend and I can't wait to try out the Reese's flavored idea.

Making it fun, truly brings its rewards and sticking to the plan as best as you can is important.  If it wasn't for a prior commitment I would have been right on.

However, if you do slip off the path, just jump back in and keep on going!  Don't let guilt keep you from jumping back in and being successful.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation - Day 02

Wow what a day!  I had to start it out with avoiding temptations of eating some good food at a United Way company breakfast.  I sat there with some choice fruits while everyone else chowed down on coffee cakes and fun yogurts with berries mixed in; not to mention the pastries!

I felt a lot better going into this day with a better preparation than yesterday.   Not quite as faint either, and there were times I stopped thinking about food as well.

Having a team, I can't say it enough, whether physically, or virtually will help you start out and keep on track.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Purium 10 Day Transformation - Day 01

The first day, probably the most difficult day, though I won't know until I've completed the next day all the way to the 10th days.  This is the day you have to prove it to yourself that you're going to follow through and do this cleanse.

This is where your team of supporters, friends, family, would be good to come a long side you to help encourage you to keep pressing on and walking forward.

I charge you today, keep pushing forward even if it hurts!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

10 Day Transformation Challenge

There comes a time when we all wish we're looking as good as that guy or that girl.  We see they're in shape and looking healthy and happy.  We think, "Boy I'd like to be healthy like them..." as we're stuffing our faces with donuts.

Then we try some kind of crash course dieting plan which only brings more failure and crushes our moral.

I've decided not to allow those things to bring me down anymore.  I'm happy being me, the whole me, not just certain parts.  I'm going to go after a better more healthier lifestyle and for the next 10 days I'm going to take on Purium's 10 Day Transformation Challenge and I invite you to join me or at least see the outcomes from this challenge.

If you're interested in becoming a part of my team in going after a better, more healthier lifestyle.
If you're interested in taking this challenge with me or just want to find out more information on this program.
Feel free to check out my website:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I Challenge You

It's the new year and maybe you've taken some time to relax, enjoy the holidays, and many times if we're not on top of things we forget about some of our challenges.  The new year has come and now it's time to get back on the path of challenges again.

Today, I'm changing things up a little bit.  Today I'm challenging YOU with a challenge.  Today in my men's group a challenge from one of the members was offered up to all the married men.  The challenge was to get with their wives for a moment of time each day and pray with them.  Not for them, about them, or even at them.  Just pray.

Of course this challenge would be for someone who believed in prayer, along with the one in to whom you're praying to.  I'm talking about the God who created the Heaven's and the earth.  Adonia, who's son's name is Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah.

This challenge can only be met by having a personal relationship with Him.  If you don't, it's quite easy.  Simply believe in your heart that Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah was raised from the dead and confess your sins, give him the authority to come into your life, into your heart, and asking forgiveness for your sins and you'll be saved. ~Romans 10:9

Welcome to the pathway to a better more healthier lifestyle!  I would be happy to hear if you made this decision right now, please post a comment below!

Whether your relationship is going well, or having some challenges with your loved one, having a few minutes a day in prayer with your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, will have a positive outcome.

What have you got to lose?!  It's only a few minutes!  See what happens, and blog below about your successes.  I look forward to seeing all of them!